
I often ask people I talk to, coach or mentor the fundamental question of why they are in business. The answers I receive vary, and I always try to communicate the fact that the ‘why’ is every bit as important as the ‘what’. For as many that go into a particular business due to their passion for it I shall say that they have gotten that side of things correct – however, there is a deeper meaning to the everyday hustle of business.

Entrepreneurship and business is not just about enabling you to pay your bills or even about making you rich. Most people tend to equate success in business with achieving profitability in the first instance and with growth and expansion in the second.

But business and entrepreneurship are much more than that.

Amongst other things, it is about truly meeting identified needs of the society and environment, it is about serving humanity. It is also about creating value, as well as empowering, directly and indirectly, all those who work for, in and around the business. Put another way, your business should be a blessing to the small corner of the world in which it operates.

Business is about building a legacy that will far outlast the founders of the business, and if managed properly about continuously creating value for many generations to come.

In fact, building a brand is easy if the owners of the business run their business based on sure principles - principles which transcend the dictates of the business clime and economic environment of the land. This is because the key drivers of brand building are consistency, value and the fulfilment of promises made, which operating under sound principles at all times will automatically help you to achieve.

To borrow and paraphrase a portion of the Bible for further illustration,

“But rather seek ye the kingdom of God (the fulfillment of the deeper purpose of your business), and all these things (business success, wealth, legacy) shall be added unto you.”


Let me put another spin to it, and I want you to think about this:

Your business is an NGO. Through it, many people are impacted positively.

Your business is a school. Learning is constantly ongoing for all those who work in it.

Your business is a change agent. The inventions and innovations that have disrupted how people used to do things and made life easier for everyone over the centuries are products of good businesses that delivered them.

Your business is the government. You dictate policies, and through your business some of the things the government is supposed to provide to her citizens are delivered.

Your business is a social club. You and your employees receive status and socialize via your business.

Your business is a family keeper. Through it, children of many are sent to school, family goals are met.

Your business is a nation builder. The economy of the nation and her very well being are very dependent on businesses such as yours.

Your business is a church, in which you are the pastor. Through your business, you can reach so many and serve God via the lives you touch and the nature of your service.

Your business is where ‘customer service’ can become ‘worship service’. In order words, you serve your customers so excellently as if you were on a heavenly assignment, to the sure approval of your Lord and Master. How great do you think your customer experience rating and consequently customer sales and loyalty will be like if treated this way?


Do you still think your business is just a means to make ends meet, or to get rich?

Your business is an instrument of legacy, a beacon of hope, a source of wealth transfer, a blessing upon the earth. So friend, work on it, grow it, nourish and cherish it, and celebrate it and yourself when you achieve small victories. It is much deeper than you think, and the world will hold you accountable for robbing it of so many things if you let it fail. Don’t give up!

See you on the other side, where those who have impacted the world via the work of their hands and the visions of their hearts sit at the table and influence the destinies of others.

Posted by: Juddy Okewih
  Sep 13 2019