“You, created of God, are born to rule, change and exercise positive influence over an area or aspect of the created world towards the ultimate fulfilment of your purpose. And then there are those, kings in their own right, whose additional task it is to ensure that you find your kingdom, to ensure that you become king.”
This is my website…but it is not really about me.
It is about the many great people I meet every single day, and the mystery, greatness and potential of each and every one of them…should they choose to express it. It is about the many dreams and businesses that are being desired or built every day, and how we may all get to our desired destinations.
My name is Juddy Okewih, and like you, I was born great. Period.
I am passionate about people living up to their highest potential and escaping mediocrity, and I am also very interested in the art and science of business. This drive has fueled the work I have been doing with individuals, startups and small business owners to help them DISCOVER, IMPROVE and STRUCTURE themselves and their businesses for growth.
I am an observer, and therefore I think. I am a listener, and therefore I talk. I am a learner, and therefore I teach.
Thinker. Talker. Teacher.
So come. Tell me your dreams.
“Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it.”
“I do not fix problems. I fix my thinking. Then problems fix themselves.”
I get invited to anchor and host events, roundtables, or even one-on-one meetings. You can see some upcoming events as they approach here or get snippets of past events.
If you wish to attend any of our events, or you wish to invite me to yours, then you can contact me and we shall work towards making it happen.
Three classes of people interest me at this point. I am interested in the individual as an individual, the person intending to start a business or fresh start-up and the small business owner.
I am here to help you go from where you currently are as an individual or small business to where you desire to be, to your ‘wealthy place’.
Got questions?
Perhaps some great thoughts of your own?
Want to talk to me?
Want me to speak with you?
Or want me to speak for you at your event?
Then drop me a line via the form with your details.
Or send me an email via contactme@juddyokewih.com